
No section of Nova Scotia, and the Eastern Provinces, has made such marvelous industrial progress as the district of which the towns of New Glasgow, Stellarton, Westville, and Trenton are the civic centres. Its large deposits of coal and other minerals, and the location of one of the largest steel plants in America, with its subsidiary industries, makes it loom large in the industrial development of the province, and has given it a more than national importance.

It is to set forth this progress, and to show the factories and other business places in existence that these pages have been written. The book has articles on the government of the towns, natural resources, education, religious activities, transportation, manufacturing and business development of the district, with some one hundred and fifty illustrations of public and private buildings, manufacturing and business houses. Containing about one hundred pages, and printed on coated book paper, it will not only be a correct index of the district's prosperity but also a souvenir to keep or send away to friends, pointing out the advantages the district offers as an industrial, business and residential centre.

(View the original page with signatures of the mayors)